Anything truly necessary that does not involve focusing on money, politics, material things.
Lo que se necesite; cambiar personalmente, analizar lo que creo y la sociedad me hace creer. Cambiar mi círculo cercano, pero sobre todo apuntar a ejercer esta compleja carrera sabiendo y reconociendo todos los errores del pasado. Reconociéndome a mí y al otro. (Whatever is needed; changing personally, analyzing what I believe and what society makes me believe. Changing my close circle, but above all aiming to pursue this complex career while knowing and acknowledging all the mistakes of the past. Recognizing myself and the other.)
Listen, learn, support, strive for “better,” whatever that might be. As a white Swiss person, I will always use my privilege and voice to support others in a way which is asked and wanted by them. To hopefully, create an “us” where everyone has the same reach and visibility when advocating for themselves & others.